Wir laden Euch zum Tresen in den Projektraum (Hermannstraße 48, 2. Hinterhof, 2. Stock) ein.
Es gibt einen Film über eine Autobahnbesetzung in England, Getränke für jeden Geschmack und hier einen Ankündigungstext für den Film. Der Film ist auf englisch, ohne Untertitel, daher auch der Ankündigungstext auf englisch:
„Life in the Fast Lane: The No M11 Story“. The film follows the developments of protests against the construction of the M11 motorway in London in the 1990s. In response to plans to demolish a residential area in northwest London in order to build a new stretch of motorway, activists began a campaign of direct action that lasted over a year and involved not only the radical left but also many local residents. In the course of the protests whole streets of empty houses that were meant for demolition were occupied and barricaded by protestors. The final eviction of protestors from the area required the use of 700 police officers and 400 private security guards, and took several days.